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The Environment


We share in the belief held by the Reggio Emilia approach which recognises that the environment is the third educator with parents and staff being the other two. Here at Wray Pre-School we are passionate about the quality of the learning environment that we offer.


We have use of a large hall and divide this into areas for our continuous provision. This is the core collection of resources that are available continuously for the children to access. Enhanced resources are added throughout the environment to extend the children’s interests.


We place emphasis on natural resources such as wood, water, soil, stones, shells and open ended resources such as fabrics, ‘loose parts junk’, wooden blocks and clay. Our environment is planned thoughtfully to ensure flowing, calm spaces are created through the use of calming colours, soft textures, moveable dividers and dens to create intimate spaces for talk throughout the setting. Mirrors and lights are used creatively to add to the sensory experience. Creativity is inspired throughout and we have a large central area devoted to art.


Children do not need complex resources. Open ended resources can become anything the child can imagine. The simpler the resource, the more versatile it is to being investigated in each child’s unique way.

Use of light and colour in a light box, creating a dinosaur den from natural materials, proud of building a den from scratch and the use of mirrors in the garden; these photos all emphasise the importance we place on quality, open ended, creative experiences for all our children.

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